X Particles 2.5 Serial Number Crack Adobe ((BETTER))
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As shown in Figure 11, the gray histograms of MA specimens presented a single peak shape. The single peak of the histogram moved forward from [75, 125] to [60, 90] and became more concentrated after loading, indicating that the dispersion of mortar density decreased after failure. In addition, the CT number in the [0, 25] interval increased as the loading rates increased, indicating that the cracks developed better at higher loading rates.
For specimen MA-02 m, after removing the largest volume elements (cracks), the pores were numbered from large to small to draw the distribution curves of pore volume and cumulative volume, as shown in Figure 16a. According to the calculated equivalent aperture, 13 intervals were divided at a resolution of 0.2 mm, forming the probability distribution diagram shown in Figure 16b. 1e1e36bf2d