Download Film 5 Cm Indonesia _BEST_
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Banyak persiapan yang harus dilakukan dan tak jarang mendapatkan kesulitan di jalur trekking / pendakian menjadikan kegiatan mendaki gunung sebagai aktivitas yang seru. Kendala dalam perjalanan selama mendaki tersebut banyak menjadi inspirasi bagi para sineas untuk menciptakan film tentang penaklukan puncak tinggi. Begitu pula dengan sineas Indonesia seakan diuntungkan dengan keadaan alam Indonesia yang bergunung-gunung.
Pencarian Terakhir merupakan film bergenre petualangan horor thriller. Disutradarai oleh Affandi Abdul Rachman, film ini rilis pada 2008. Film ini dibintangi oleh Lukman Sardi, Richa Novisha, Yama Carlos, dan Alex Abbad.
Bagi pecinta horor, Pencarian Terakhir adalah film yang menarik karena dipadu dengan petualangan mendaki gunung. Terlebih, sinematografi film ini menyajikan pemandangan yang apik khas pegunungan Indonesia.
Diadaptasi dari novel berjudul serupa, 5 CM menjadi film yang menarik dan banyak penonton yang tambah jatuh cinta dengan Indonesia yang memiliki keadaan alam begitu indah. Film ini dibintangi aktor dan aktris keren sebagai pemain utama, yaitu Herjunot Ali, Denny Sumargo, Raline Shah, Pevita Pearce, Fedi Nuril, dan Saykoji.
Fajar Bustomi menyutradarai film berjudul Romeo dan Rinjani ini dan dirilis pada 2015. Sesuai judulnya, film ini berlatar di Gunung Rinjani. Romeo dan Rinjani dimainkan oleh Deva Mahenra, Kimberly Ryder, Alexa Key, Gary Iskak, dan Donna Harun.
Itulah lima film Indonesia yang memberikan kisah mengenai pendakian gunung. Tidak hanya inspiratif, film-film tersebut juga mengajarkan tentang meraih mimpi hingga meningkatkan rasa cinta terhadap Indonesia. Dari kelima film tersebut, mana yang sudah Sahabat tonton
Raline Shah was born in 4 March 1985 as Raline Rahmat Shah,she was born in Jakarta, Indonesia, but her family from her father side is living in Medan,Indonesia, where most of her family from her mother side is living in Malaysia, and Singapore, Raline Shah was sent to International School in Medan during her Primary School, while during her Junior College she moved to Singapore until her University years, she was graduated from National University of Singapore in 2008, with two degrees in Political Science & New Media and Communications. Raline Shah started her career in 2008, in the Indonesian Beauty Contest (Puteri Indonesia 2008) she represented North Sumatera, although she did not win as Puteri Indonesia, but she won the Most Favourable Puteri Indonesia. However since then Raline Shah started her acting career in 2012, she starred in the movies with different variety of roles as well. During her time in Singapore she used to work as a model as well, however she was considered not tall enough despite her statuesque figure at 5\"8 , and was told that she was not pretty enough to work. Raline Shah always got her friendly personality towards friends and other people she meet it can be shown on her social media where she often posted her pictures with other international public figures, Raline is one of the most easy going and talented actress from Indonesia, Raline Shah is also an animal lover as well, Raline divides her time between Jakarta, and Medan, she said that she is eager to explore more roles on the movie, she is considered to be one of the actress that using method acting to exploring on her roles on the movie. During filming the movie Supernova, Raline Shah worked as an intern on a magazine office back in Indonesia in order to understand her character on the movie, while on the 5 cm she get used to climbs up the mountain because she revealed to be an adventurous person, nowadays Raline Shah was considered to be one of the most gorgeous, and successful actress in Indonesia. Raline Shah was got a nomination for Best Supporting Actress back at the Indonesian Film Festival in 2015, despite she did not win the category she said she was blessed to be nominated, Raline is really considering towards the scripts that were given to her, on one of the interview it was said that the script must be written in English first so that she can learns about it. Despite all of that Raline is such a charitable actress and down to earth towards other.
The effect of the blend film composition on the maximum strength of CS/PVA blend with varying weight ratio (a); Optimum composition film blend with varying mode of chemical agents (b).
Based on the data in Figure 1b, there was not enough non-covalent interaction between the polymer molecules to improve the TS at the lower chemical additive concentrations. Meanwhile, at the higher ones, excess chemical limited the mobility of the molecules, leading to a decrease in strength [49,50]. The chemical also caused an increase in the film strength, which could modify the polymer network among the molecular chains, and provide better interconnection between molecules than the chemical ones [51]. In this case, SA appeared to display the best impact, compared to CA and TEOS. Furthermore, this simple approach for chitosan-based film modification showed the desired mechanical properties, which were as good as the ones developed with covalent interaction using chemical cross-linkers that are expensive [52,53] and toxic [54,55] for food packaging application. The comparison results to the literature are shown in Table 3.
The DSC curves of the samples with 5% w/w of chemical agent showed no significant shift. The DSC results ratified the results accomplished by FTIR, in which the peak types in the thermograms resulted from physical response during the film preparation. However, the incorporation of chemicals presented an increase in melting peak compared to that without chemicals, namely ΔT = 10.1 for CA-5, ΔT = 16.0 for SA-5, and ΔT = 13.8 for TEOS-5. According to Mao et al., the strong interaction between molecular chains was stably formed by electrostatic association and hydrogen bonds to render breakage and enhance compatibility of the blend film [65]. The exothermic peak was found to start at 273.8 C. The peak was ascribed to the thermal degradation of the films, which occurred at 281.1 C (CA-5), 283.3 C (SA-5), and 282.1 C (TEOS-5), respectively, suggesting that the thermal stability was considerably improved. In this case, the physical treatments that caused the improvement in molecular chain interaction between chitosan and PVA were suggested to form more stable films.
In XRD measurement, the interaction between CS and PVA molecules was shown in CS/PVA blend film ratio (75/25). The peak of PVA at 11.7 disappeared, and the peak of the CS at 20.4 slightly shifted to 21.8. The presence of PVA led to increasing crystallinity, in which the CrI of the blend films went up by 20.1%. In general, the crystalline structure was an independent variable which influenced important properties, such as mechanical strength and thermal properties [66]. This result concluded that strong interaction formed by hydrogen and ionic bonding occurred between chitosan and PVA molecules in the blend films at the composition prepared. Generally, a weak molecular interaction produced its diffraction peak for each material, expressed as heterogeneous mixed peaks in the blend films [35]. Furthermore, the diffractogram of the blend films reticulated with three types of chemicals (CA-5, SA-5, and TEOS-5) did not show any significant change in peak positions or in Crl, compared to the blend film without chemical reagent (CS/PVA). 153554b96e