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Sweet Unspoken Love is a YA Contemporary Romance about building a new life, friendship, and love. This novel contains adult situations, language, and sex. This book is intended for adults only. 18 and over.
Author Bio: I'm a lover of all things romance...and all things chocolate. I love to write and can't wait to share my stories with my readers. If you would like to know more about me, you can visit my author bio page.
SUMMARYJulie Walker thought she found true love with Jase. Until he betrayed her in the worst way, with one of her best friends. Devastated and heartbroken she runs away, leaving behind her family and friends.When Julie meets Dean, she thinks he is the answer to all her prayers, but Dean isn't who she thinks he is.Jase Gibson is a player.
Julie Walker thought she found true love with Jase. Until he betrayed her in the worst way, with one of her best friends. Devastated and heartbroken she runs away, leaving behind her family and friends. She starts a new life filled with secrets. When Julie meets Dean, she thinks he is the answer to all her prayers, but Dean isn't who she thinks he is. Jase Gibson is a player.
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